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ACFS gives you an opportunity to network with other chapters, colonies and have special access and communication to our National Conference Board Members. If you are on the go and need some advice, log in and find the answers you need.





When you join the ACFS you are automatically assigned to a chapter. Our chapters are financially supported by the national office and do not charge chapter dues. Chapters of the ACFS offer professional development programs that facilitate education and networking, award programs that recognize outstanding achievements, and business building opportunities that strengthen the role of the profession.


Most ACFS members belong to, or are working to form, a chapter in their local communities.


Professional Growth

Gain the inside track on new strategies, techniques and trends, gained through local seminars and meetings that will strengthen your skills and broaden your knowledge.


Professional Status

Participation in awards programs and leadership positions bring increased recognition and respect among your colleagues and within your community. Involvement also accelerates your growth in your own organization by developing often hidden skills.


Fellowship and Networking

Chapter events give you the opportunity to network with your peers and expand your circle of contacts.


Job Search Assistance

Whether through informal networking or specific job search services, you'll be the first to learn of openings in your area.

Chapter Contact


Bay Cities Chapter

San Francisco, CA

Karen Campbell, CFS, President
Wells Fargo Bank
Vice President & Senior Investigator
85 Cleavland Road
Pleasant Hill, CA  94523


Micheal Kilian, Vice President


Joniann Hookfin, CFS, Secretary


Nancy Pagan, CFS, Treasurer


Board of Directors
Jodi Takahashi, CFS
Patricia Fisher, CFS

Chisholm Trail Chapter

Dallas, TX

Carlos Ontiveros, CFS, President

U. S. Postal Service - OIG

Assistant Special Agent in Charge

1905 Dodge Trail

Grand Prairie, TX 75247



Karen Shifflet, Vice President


Cathy Johnson, Secretary/Treasurer


Board of Directors

Fernando L. Martinez

Ruben Fabela

Frank D. Mills

Max Y. Eamiguel

Lone Star Chapter

Houston, TX

Gold Rush Chapter

Sacramento, CA

Richard Halverson, CFS, President

Homeland Security Investigations

Asst. Special Agent in Charge

Houston, TX



Rick Welborn, Vice President


Elmo Cepeda, Treasurer


Board of Directors

Jon Goedeke, CFS

Jacob Webb, CFS

Lance Brandon, CFS, President
4600 Northgate Boulevard, Ste 105
Sacramento, CA 95834


Carolyn Mashburn, CFS, Secretary

Allan Wisnicky, CFS, Treasurer


MANDATE: The Association is mandated to both foster the formation of chapters and, once formed, to provide them with financial and logistical support. Consequently, chapters offer Certified Fraud Specialists a substantial, inexpensive means of acquiring education and interacting with other professionals. The overall effect is that Certified Fraud Specialists as individuals, and the anti-fraud profession as a whole, reach a higher level of competence.



SUPPORT: What the Association will do:


  • Every Association member pays membership dues annually. In addition, every member is assigned to the chapter in closest proximity to the member. The National Board of Directors has determined that a portion of the dues paid by members will be allocated to the chapter to which the member is assigned.

  • At start-up, chapters will be provided reasonable and necessary incidental expenses, such as incorporation costs, local advertising, initial office supplies, etc. Advertising copy must be submitted for approval in advance of use. Annual budgets are required and expenses must be approved by headquarters prior to expense being incurred.

  • The Association will assist chapters in the location of speakers, topics, and other matters related to the formation and initial operation of a chapter.

  • The Association and chapter will host joint events, the purpose being to assist the chapter in member recruitment, community service, and chapter fund raising.

  • The Association will provide mailing services to chapters and will assist in publicizing the formation and activities of local chapters.



FORMATION CRITERIA: What Members forming chapters must do:


  • At least ten (10) Certified Fraud Specialists from a local, or given area, must agree that the Association does not adequately serve the needs of their community.

  • These same ten members must agree to adopt the Uniform Chapter Bylaws in their entirety and sign a Petition for Chapter Charter.

  • Members may not be compensated for their chapter activities or involvement but are entitled to reimbursement for reasonable out-of-pocket expenses when said expenses were approved, essential and incurred on behalf of the chapter.

  • All chapter revenue must be used to provide member and chapter services.

  • Chapter officers must keep accurate records of attendance, receipts, disbursements, and other necessary and ordinary business records. They must also cooperate with headquarters' staff in the submission of any required documents, including the filing of tax returns.



Chapter Formation Bylaw requirements


Every group of Certified Fraud Specialists seeking to petition for a Chapter Charter from the Association of Certified Fraud Specialists, must adopt the Uniform Chapter Bylaws at the time the Petition for Charter is signed. The member elected to serve as Chapter Secretary must submit to the Association a signed copy of the Uniform Chapter Bylaws at the time the Petition for Charter is submitted.


Since the Uniform Chapter Bylaws are intended to be adopted in their entirety, any intended modifications, amendments, additions, or deletions to the Uniform Chapter Bylaws must first be presented to the Associations' National Executive Committee (ACFS-NEC).


Written approval from the ACFS-NEC must be obtained BEFORE the modifications, amendments, additions, or deletions to the Uniform Chapter Bylaws are presented to the Chapter Membership.


Any such modifications, amendments, additions, or deletions to the bylaws having been approved by the ACFS-NEC shall be made only at a duly called election meeting with notices being mailed as prescribed by the bylaws. Any modifications, amendments, additions, or deletions to the bylaws shall not take effect unless approved by a two-thirds majority of the Chapter Members voting.


A copy of the Uniform Chapter Bylaws, bearing an original signature from the Chapter Secretary must be returned to the Association's headquarters before a Charter will be issued.


Once you understand the criteria necessary to forming a new chapter, you may petition for charter using the link below.


Petition for Charter PDF Form

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