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The Process


Carefully read, complete, and sign the Membership Application then return it along with the application fee. Once the application is received, a new member profile is entered into the ACFS database and a welcome letter is sent to the applicant to inform him or her of their acceptance into the ACFS. Student Members are not certified but may upgrade to Associate Membership after joining the work force and petition for certification once enough professional anti-fraud related work experience is achieved (see Certification Program to learn more).



Tips and Important Details


  • The Membership Application and Petition for Certification have been combined into one document. Students only need to fill out and return the Application portion.

  • Download and save the Application to fill out electronically.

  • Individuals applying for Student Membership must be undergraduates currently attending full-time college courses to qualify as such. Graduate school students and anti-fraud professionals attending college courses do not qualify.

  • Applicants must be in good standing at an accredited college, be studying fraud related topics as part of their academic major.

  • An application for student membership must be accompanied by a confirming letter from a student's advisor or college professor.

  • Applicants who do not want to send credit card information and checks by mail may pay the membership fee over the phone and mail the membership application to us with the payment section left blank.

  • Acceptance letters can take up to two weeks to arrive in the mail (up to three weeks if sent internationally).


Download the membership application and read directions completely before signing and submitting.


Apply for Student Membership

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